David Duchovny is many things. He's a singer and songwriter with his own band; he's a celebrated author and, of course, our very special Agent Fox Mulder in The X-Files and Hank Moody in Showtime's Californication. While the man is ultra-talented, he is no Danny Tanner, Uncle Joey, or Uncle Jesse Katsopolis. While I can't feign ignorance of the outrageously-popular Full House and might have caught a few episodes, my elementary self was tuning in to way edgier things.

We had Max Headroom, Moonlighting, Night Tracks, 21 Jump Street, Alf... you can clearly see how hip I was. Then, of course, we had the mother of all 80s edge, Twin Peaks. When Duchovny makes his appearance as Agent Denise Bryson, it introduces the audience and the show's characters to more ground-breaking content which David Lynch has been gifting us since he got his hands on a camera.
RELATED: WandaVision Link to Full House Has Been Revealed
Obviously, after years of viewing David Duchovny's body of work, there was no way in hell he was going to fit as the jocular father figure of Danny Tanner. No one can see him busting out his Bullwinkle impressions à la Uncle Joey. And the Elvis/Kokomo thing that Uncle Jesse had going on was really specific to John Stamos.

Recently, David Duchovny has been making the couch rounds promoting his new Audible offering, recorded during the pandemic lockdown. He explained on Ellen, "It was my first time out in L.A., and they brought me out for different shows. I ended up with the Full House stuff, and they just kept on trying to plug me into different characters. And clearly, I was wrong for every single one." Crisis averted!

He would go on after his Lynch character to The Red Shoe Diaries, definitely edgier, to say the least. He would finally meet his match in the The X-Files in 1993, when his and Gillian Anderson's chemistry portraying our favorite FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Scully went on display. What would our alien-filled world be like without that juggernaut? It put Fox on the map, with a mighty big help from The Simpsons. And it could be argued that both shows have comparably-rabid fan bases, between outcries for movies, and the return of the show. I believe!

As for his audiobook, 'The Reservoir,' it follows an unexceptional man in an exceptional time. We see our present-day pandemic world and New York City through the eyes of a former Wall Street veteran, Ridley, as he, in his enforced quarantined solitude, looks back upon his life. It's solid; you should check it out.

We can look forward to his turn in Judd Apatow's The Bubble, starring Pedro Pascal, Rob Delaney, Leslie Mann, Keegan-Michael Key, Fred Armisen and Karen Gillan. The plot line is said to be about a group of actors and actresses stuck inside a pandemic bubble at a hotel attempting to complete a film. You can also check out his new album 'Gestureland.' This is his third album. I've been listening as I type, do you hear the Tom Petty, Chris Isaak with a little Uncle Tupelo inspirations? The music snob that I am, I'm gonna say it, I dig it! AV Club.