As we eagerly await the return of University sport in Lent, The Blue Bird looks back at the performance of Cambridge University Korfball Club at last term's South East BUCS Prelims. Rachel Foreman reports...

Two teams of korfballers (and two coaches) travelled down to Brighton and, after an evening of team bonding games and tactic talk, everyone was ready for a full day of korfball. There was a mixture of veteran players and fresh faces, all excited to be back playing university sport. 

Korfball is played on a standard indoor court, split into two halves with a post in each. The teams play in either an attack or defend position within their half, with the divisions changing ends and position after every two goals.

To get things started the First team were up against locals Brighton University. Cambridge started strong, with defence blocking all of the balls and the attack division making lots of shooting attempts. Harry and Tarn scored two goals apiece meaning Cambridge Firsts started the day with a good win.

Next up the Second team were against UEA 2, which was a very tough start to their day. They weren't put off though and still made lots of shooting attempts, scoring some long goals and a penalty. UEA 2 put up a very solid defence and unfortunately Cambridge lost the game, but the team had high spirits and cheered themselves up with post-game yummy BUCS bakes.

Photo of Korfball match, Cambridge are defending

The Second team's next game was against Kent, who were lucky to have an England korfball player on their team! This didn't faze Cambridge Seconds, who defended all of Kent's running shot attempts and pushed them out to only take long range shots (unfortunately they excelled at these and still won the game!).

The First team were back on the pitch next, up against UEA 3. There was a lot of pressure from UEA defenders but that didn't stop Anna and Mia from scoring some great runners, and lots of epic long-range goals from George. All of this shooting wouldn't have been possible without energetic Ethan in defence, who intercepted all of UEA's passes and got the ball back to the attacking division.

After a rallying team talk the Seconds were back and ready to prove their first two games were just a warmup. They were up against Southampton, who were short a male player so unfortunately Jonah was handicapped to not shoot. This didn't worry the rest of the team as they kept up a consistent shooting streak, with Martha scoring a hat trick and an overall score of 7-0 to Cambridge Seconds!

Photography of a korfball match, with a Cambridge player shooting

The Firsts were back against UEA, but this time their First team (who were favourites to win the day). They proved to be strong competition and although Mia and George both got some great long goals, these weren't enough to keep up with UEA who scored many more great shots.

After a well-earned lunch break, Cambridge Seconds were back out against the locals Brighton. This was a well-matched game, with both teams playing strong defence and taking lots of shots. Brighton scored two goals early on, but Cambridge fought hard and Dafydd scored two lovely running shots to equalise. There wasn't enough time to get another goal, and a draw meant we had our first penalty shootout of the day. Lucy stayed cool and collected with her penalty, but the pressure got too much for the rest of the team and unfortunately Brighton took the win.

Not to be discouraged, the Seconds were back on against Southampton and proved that they could beat them again. Albeit a less dynamic game than the morning, the defence was still strong and both Maddy and Lucy scored to secure the win at 2-0.

The final game for the club was for the First team back against UEA 2, and this time Cambridge desperately wanted to end with a win. Cheered on by the Second team, Annalie took all the running shot opportunities that came her way and once again Mia showed that she has a strong long shot. But the UEA defence remained solid, and the game ended 3-1 to UEA.

Overall, Cambridge were satisfied with how the day ended - the First team came 3rd (qualifying for regionals) and the Second team came 7th. But the main thing was that everyone had a great day playing Korfball together and all set off back to Cambridge in high spirits for post-BUCS festivities! 

Read Rachel Foreman's other recent pieces: an introduction to korfball, and a report about Rainbow Laces Day.