Calderdale's Community Safety Partnership (CSP) has been allocated funding at a borough level following the successful award from the Home Office to the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU). The awarded funding for 2022/23 to the VRU from the Home Office is to support a programme of interventions across West Yorkshire to contribute towards the following:
- A reduction in hospital admissions for assaults with a knife or sharp object and especially among those victims aged under 25.
- A reduction in knife-enabled serious violence and especially amongst those victims aged under 25, and
- A reduction in all non-domestic homicides and especially amongst those victims aged under 25 involving knifes.
Calderdale CSP has been allocated funds from the VRU for the purpose of delivering a local programme of interventions in quarters 3 and 4 (September 2022– March 2023), and in doing so contribute to the above listed outcomes.
Calderdale's intervention programme for 2022/3 has been informed by a Violent Crime Needs Assessment as well as the CSP's own Strategic Assessment. Calderdale CSP (with support from providers and partners) has successfully delivered VRU interventions for the last two years and has used the evidence provided by the evaluation of these programmes to formulate the following specification for this year's (Q3 & Q4) intervention activity.
The following funding opportunities are available:
- Outreach Provision (Inviting bids of up to £12,000)
- Enriching Activities, 1:1 & Group Work Programmes (Inviting bids of up to £12,000)
- Focused Deterrent (Teachable Moments) (Inviting bids of up to £30,000)
Click Here to Download the Word Document for Full Details.
All Expressions of Interest received by the required deadline will be evaluated by the Violent Crime & Safer Streets Delivery Group. Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of applications on the week commencing the 10th of October 2022.
Please return to Expression of Interest form to by 9AM on 03/10/2022.
Download Expression of Interest Form Here (Word Document)
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