nourishncherish posted: " The world of news was being rocked once again. The company I worked for had already endured hard times in the news and the general feeling was one of anxiety and exhaustion. Over the week-end, I had come for a walk by a water body that the son & " Nourish-n-Cherish
The world of news was being rocked once again. The company I worked for had already endured hard times in the news and the general feeling was one of anxiety and exhaustion.
Over the week-end, I had come for a walk by a water body that the son & I lovingly christened Reflection Pond - for you could see the skies reflected in the waters, the world from a different perspective.
That morning, the mist was still lifting. There were 2 deer peeping out from within the mist and a rustling nearby indicated the hares were getting ready for some morning exercise as well.
There were a pair of pelicans who took insouciance to a different level. Yet, as they gracefully paddled on that lake, I thought of that little piece in the Fox, Mole, Horse and Boy.
"How do they look so perfect together?" Asked the boy.
'There is a lot of frantic paddling going on beneath' said the horse.
The Fox, Mole, Horse and Boy
As I walked back, my attention went again to the digital town square that is the sign of the times we live in. I had one of those moments that Henry David Thoreau chastised us against, for it was obvious that I brought the village (or in this case, the town square) with me.
When I realized what I was doing though, I shook myself out of this and firmly pushed these thoughts aside telling myself that shall attend to them when the time was right. I looked up from the previous posture of a head bent with woe, and that is when I saw the pelicans take flight.
There is something majestic about large birds taking flight. The little ones flit and twit with ease, while the larger ones seem to be much like our cargo aircraft. Huge, but still not half as unwieldy as our man-made designs during takeoff or landing.
By the time I fumbled for the phone for the pictures, the pelicans had flown leaving me with a sense of awe.
The clouds that paint a different picture for us every day had painted a lovely dragon or an enormous swan taking flight that day. The crescent moon in its waxing phase was shining amidst all this glory.
The pink hues against the light blue skies were enough to make the heart rejoice. As the pinks turned to orange and then grey, my spirits lifted slowly.
I had an idea for a lovely children's book that has since morphed and evaporated like the clouds that day.
A few deep breaths made me realize that fresh air, beautiful clouds, a time of transformation are all things we take for granted, but when we do stop to think about them, they fill us with a sense of contentment.
Nature had worked its magic yet again: There is no better place to learn the lesson of Just Being.
I realize that I cannot quite capture the serenity of a walk such as this one. But I can jot down the gratitude for this magnificence so I may be able to dip into it at will.
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